Financial Management

Overview of your portfolio and costs for specific components, such as sites, buildings, technical systems, etc. The cost status of each component can be viewed at any time within MainManager.


The cost status of each component can be viewed at any time within MainManager. Various cost related information is available by component, portfolio or site group.

Information includes:

  • Budget
  • Real cost
  • Allocated cost
  • Surplus
  • Income
  • Expenditure
  • Account keys
  • Cost centers
  • Cost types
  • Subjects
  • Transactions
  • Invoices

In addition, MainManagerʼs Financial Management module also offers:

  • Standardized reports
  • Multifunctional filtering of data
  • Categorization of objects and costs
  • Analytical features
  • Visual representation of data and information
  • Easy access to information

Finance Transactions and Finance Dimensions

With the Finance Management module you can set up and map the account keys in MainManager to the dimensions in your finance system. This module is essential for all integrations and transactions to and from your finance systems.

Budget Management

MainManager offers an extensive budget management tool for easier planning and distribution of operation costs, along with an overview of the maintenance budgets across property portfolios and organisational divisions. Budget allowances for each building, sector or  site can be defined. This function has been used in municipalities across Scandinavia with great success.

Cost Control

A budget is created on a yearly basis and can be divided into months, giving the user a good overview of expected liquidity.  MainManager makes it is possible to monitor the cost figures for work orders, tasks, buildings, floors, rooms, sites, site groups and the overall plan so that expenses do not exceed the budget.

Cost figures monitored in MainManagerʼs Cost Control module are:

  • Budget
  • Cost recognised
  • Allocated funds
  • Surplus
  • Income
  • Cost
  • etc.

All previous jobs and expenses are easily accessible, facilitating cost estimates for new jobs. Work orders are issued for tasks and their cost is estimated. The project manager can view the funds allocated and remaining funds without waiting for cost to be registered by accounting. All figures for costs recognised are obtained from accounting.

Electronic Invoice Acceptance

MainManager can receive and handle e-invoices. You can allocate cost across work orders, sites and finance division before you accept the invoice and send the accepted invoice to the finance system for payment.

Keep an Eye on Your Inventory

MainManager offers a simple, yet useful tool to have an overview of your inventory.  Items can be registered to work orders in a simple and easy way, making it easy to keep track of your inventory status.