Core modules

Using MainManager has been shown to yield a 10-30% reduc­tion in operational costs, resulting from improving the efficiency of working practices, methods and processes.

Core modules

Building Registration

MainManagerʼs Building Registration Management Module gives you a comprehensive overview of your property portfolio. Our Setup Process will guide you in setting up your site with all components relevant to your property.

Organisations & Users

You can set up your own organizational structure, service partners and customers and manage access control in one place. In the Access Management Process it is easy to get an overview of users, user roles and access levels to functions etc.

Document Management

Place documents for location structure (building, floor, room, etc.) or connect “links” to this structure from external databases or web sites. We differentiate between photos, descriptions etc., and documents that are delivered through digital delivery or BIM models.

Financial Management

Overview of your portfolio and costs for specific components, such as sites, buildings, technical systems, etc. The cost status of each component can be viewed at any time within MainManager. Various cost related information is available by component, portfolio or site group.